

CronQuery is scheduled via CRON expressions.

# CRON Expressions

CRON is a time-based job scheduler. Jobs run periodically at fixed times configured using a six-field expression.

┌──── second (0-59)
│  ┌───── minute (0-59)
│  │  ┌───── hour (0-23)
│  │  │  ┌───── day of month (1-31)
│  │  │  │  ┌───── month (1-12)
│  │  │  │  │  ┌───── day of week (0-6)
│  │  │  │  │  │
*  *  *  *  *  *
FieldAllowed valuesSpecial characters
Second0-59* - , /
Minute0-59* - , /
Hour0-23* - , /
Day of month1-31* - , / L W
Month1-12* - , /
Day of week0-6* - , / L #
The days of the week start on Sunday.

# Special characters

The following table shows the special characters present in CRON syntax and their respective meanings.

* (all)Every time unitAsterisk in the hour means "every hour"
- (range)Range of values1-5, which is equivalent to 1,2,3,4,5
, (list)List of values2,4,6,8
/ (increment)Step values*/6 in the hour means "every 6 hours", which is equivalent to 0,6,12,18
L (last)Last day of month or last X day of weekIn month L means 31 for January or day 28 for February (non-leap years), in day of week 5L means "the last Friday of the month"
W (weekday)Weekday (Monday to Friday) nearest the given dayIf you specify 15W and 15th is a Saturday the trigger fires on Friday the 14th, however for 1W and 1th is a Saturday the trigger fires on Monday the 3rd (because it does not exceed the limit of days of the month), if the 15h is a Sunday the trigger fires on Monday the 16th and if 15th is a weekday the trigger fires that day
# (occurrence)The nth day of the month5#3 means the third Friday of the month

# Supported combinations

CRON allows the combination of subexpressions to produce a more complex CRON expression. The following list shows the combinations supported by CronQuery:

Read zero as any numeric value that you pass to the expression.

# Examples

The following table shows some examples of CRON expressions and their respective meanings.

0 0 12 * * *At 12:00 PM every day
0 0 18 L * *At 6:00 PM on the last day of every month
0 0 18 L-3 * *At 6:00 PM 3 days before the last day of the month
0 0 0 * */6 *At 12:00 AM every 6 months
0 0 0 5,15,25 * *At 12:00 AM, on day 5, 15, and 25 of the month
0 */5 * * * *Every 5 minutes
0 0 8-18/2 * * *Every 2 hours between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM
0 0 10 * * 1#3At 10:00 AM on the third Monday of every month is a great tool to help you create CRON expressions.